Saturday, January 9, 2010

The beginning...

So I've been thinking a lot about art criticism and about artist statements and about the age old question: what is art?  And I was thinking about how every time I write about any of these things, my views change- even if just slightly- that what art is or what I am making or why I am making it or my view on other works is not static but rather constantly changing.  And part of it has to do with my mental state or my atmosphere or what i am experiencing at the moment.  it also has to do with my growing knowledge of the history of art works, of what has come before and after a certain piece of art and learning about what other people have to say about their work or about others' work.  So I sort of plan on writing about all of this stuff and re-writing about it- so that there is sort of a documented history of my progression and how my views on stuff change.  And I'm sure it will change.  I plan on putting some of my work up here at some point; I am sure I will end up talking about relationships and sex cause I just can't help it (and cause I think it all relates).  And quotes- I'll quote a bunch.

And why the internet?  Why not put it in a journal?  
For a couple reasons: 
1. the same reason i don't make enough art- because I'm sort of an attention whore and I like to create for others and maybe if I write in a public space I will be more likely to write
2- I hope to create a bit of dialogue.  I encourage response and rebuttal and conversation via the interwebs
3- I lose stuff- notebooks, computers, pieces of paper...I will never lose the internet- until 2012 or something at least.  
4- I want to start a practice.  I think I'm good at this stuff and why not put it out in the world?

Thanks for reading.  Keep reding and add your thoughts.  One whole bullet point gets lost if I don't hear from you.

mad love,

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