Saturday, January 9, 2010

Artist Statement written Dec 2008 for a group show at school

Lia Woertendyke

Feedback is a  public performance artwork documented photographically. The project focuses on anonymity, communication, and free speech, with a touch of social criticism and snobbery. As a native New Yorker, I am fascinated by New Yorkers' efforts (both conscious and unconscious) to be seen and heard in such a vibrant and yet very isolating environment.  

Considering the lack of intimacy the city inspires, I make myself personally  and 
vocally present by leaving notes on my daily routes when I come across situations that arouse my critical nature. These notes are often inspired by my own inner monologues and the judgmental quality that New York's frenetic nature provokes in me. I regularly notice the voice inside my head that wishes people did things differently. Therefore I choose to write my thoughts on Post-it notes reminiscent of those often lighthearted yet critical reminders left by one's boss, mom, or roommate. These judgments range from petty and personal reactions to things I dislike or which strike me emotionally, to larger political and social statements - such as responses to the city's lack of environmental awareness.  

By posting these thoughts around different neighborhoods and areas of New York City, I
 choose to express myself while retaining the namelessness New York creates for its inhabitants. In some ways, this project is my form of self expression in a place where I so often feel unheard and unseen. These notes give me an opportunity to validate my opinions. In placing these statements publicly, not only do I allow myself to be heard, but it is also my hope to create some sort of dialogue between myself and New York City strangers, even if it is silent. I hope to engage New Yorkers not only with their physical environment by bringing attention to their surroundings, but additionally to focus their thoughts on the freedom they have to express themselves at will.

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